Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Hidey Ho!

So i did it. I'm back on track. Down 4.5 pounds!

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Love this new blog I found with ww recipes!


Wednesday, August 11, 2010


You know what control feels like to me....

These last few days I have reigned in my out of control eating and I already feel better.

I've been tracking my points...measuring, weighing, NOTICING what goes into my body.

It carries over into all facets of my life.

I am more organized at work.

I am staying on top of the laundry and doing the "hot spot" cleaning each evening that all the martha stewart followers suggest.

This is a journey.

Monday, August 2, 2010

{tap tap tap} Hello?

Remember me?

The girl that was sooooooo motivated to start turning her life around?

The one that could make a healthy lifestyle just FIT into her life.

She wore a pedometer.

And ate lean cuisines.

The one that dated Billy Blanks at least 3 times a week for two months?

Yeah...that didn't turn out so well.

I was majorly derailed by going on vacation. I never fully recovered.

And this weekend...

I think i hit food rock bottom.

We went out for mexican. Then bought movie popcorn without seeing  a movie. Then hit the DQ drive in for a blizzard.

I feel like i've eaten my weight in cookie dough.

I haven't YET turned down a chip.

And a new restaurant opened up in town and its Italian....so bring on the carbs.

I honestly could FEEL myself getting fat. My skin was expanding. My clothes stopped draping me flatteringly.

i've been tired. And feeling awful. I think my insides have turned to food sludge.

So this week will be about getting the blood chemistry back to normal. I'm going to de-carb just for the week and try to reset these awful cravings.

But i'm glad to be back. Even if my life has been more French fries than skinny girl.